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Monday, February 20, 2012

Contemporary Versus Fundamentalism

Bible Questions Answered:
“What is the difference between the contemporary and other beliefs?”
Maariya/ Leeds, United Kingdom

Bible Answer:

Modernism (Contemporary belief), versus Fundamentalism:

The Bible:
Fundamentalists believe that the Bible is the Word of God, while the Modernist, believes that the Bible contains the Word of God. (In other words, the Modernist, can't tell, which part is inspired or not.)

Fundamentalists believe that the birth of Jesus was supernatural (virgin birth), while the Modernists believes that Christ's birth was natural.

Son of God:
Fundamentalists believe that Jesus Christ, is the Only, Eternal Son of the Father, Modernists believe that Jesus was a son of God, as all men are sons of God.

Christ's Death On The Cross:
Fundamentalists believe that the death of the Lord Jesus, was  atonement or expiation for mans sins.
Modernists believe that Christ's death was at best noteworthy, praiseworthy.

Fundamentalists believe that from the beginning, man is God created, a God breathed living soul.
Modernists believe that man is end result of evolution.

Fundamentalists believe that as a direct result of Adams' sin, mankind is under the curse of sin and lost. Redeemed by and only by the atoning blood of Jesus Christ God's Eternal Son.
Modernists believe that individuals are good or bad as a result of their surrounding conditions.

Fundamentalists believe that one is only justified by faith in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.
Modernists believe that a man may be justified by his good works.