Pastor Joseph J. Reine's two new books.

" Unlocking The Mysteries Of Prayer"

This short ebook could change your thinking about prayer, forever!


"SALVATION We Are Not Afraid!"

Catholicism Versus The Word Of God.

Traditions Of Men And What Saith The Lord.

Read first hand what your Bible says, you'll be

surprised to learn The Truth!

This book was written for thousands of people

to be liberated from ecclesiastical prisons.

Friday, January 22, 2010



On behalf of all of us here, we wish to say a big thank-you to all who have written over the holidays, with your e-cards, e-letters and gifts.
Thank you and God bless you, you make possible the work of the Lord to go on!

Pastor Reine has taken some days off in January, as on Friday the twenty second, he will be holding a funeral service for his mother.

Thank you so very much for all your correspondence and prayers, and thank you so very much, telling us that you pray for all the prayer listings!

All of Gods blessings.

The Bible Prayer Line/ Staff/ and Brother Reine