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"SALVATION We Are Not Afraid!"

Catholicism Versus The Word Of God.

Traditions Of Men And What Saith The Lord.

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Sunday, September 19, 2021



THE BIBLE PRAYER LINE – Bible Questions Answered

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Bible Prayer Line Index

Bible Questions Answered:
“I am sick and tired of how the name of Jesus is used as slang or a curse word, on tv.  What can we do  to stop this?...”
Randy/   Bowie, Texas  U.S.A.  
Bible Answer:

Bible Texts:

The steps to take are....

One: Write down the name of  the Sponsors of the program they put up the money, for the program to exist. 
Sponsors, do want to hear from the public, and if you and your  group write respectful and clear just what the problem is, you will hear from them, and more than likely with an apology.

Two: Write the local Television Station, and or T.V. Network (ABC/NBC/CBS/FOX/etc) that aired the offending program, and send them the same information.

For example:  
“Dear friends, for many years we  have listened to your station … … … … and we appreciate your news and weather forecasts. The other night we were listening to the new popular show “.......”  and time after time the name of our Lord was used in jest.  We would like to see this stop, the name so randomly used as slang, is the name of  the God we love and serve. Thank you for helping us in this matter, and to take  into  consideration any and all new programs you choose for your station in  the future.”

Three: At the end of all programs are lists of ….

Program Hosts/ Program Actors.
Producers (Those who pay to put the program on.) 
Writers: If  there are any followed scripts or agendas.
Directors: Program directors.

All these may be written, use the internet as your source, as to how.

Four: In your local news paper write a brief editorial as to why you as a Christian, are not watching the new T.V. Program “........”

Many times anti-Christian words or phrases are used without caution, and the reason, NO ONE OBJECTS!

If we complain that T.V.   Has become a garbage pit of filth and we as Christians do nothing about it, we too are to blame.


II Peter 3:11-13 NLT
11 Since everything around us is going to be destroyed like this, what holy and Godly lives you should live, 
12 looking forward to the day of God and hurrying it along. On that day, He will set the heavens on fire, and the elements will melt away in the flames. 
13 But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth He has promised, a world filled with God’s righteousness.